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List Of Strong Action Verbs Average ratng: 4,5/5 7795 reviews

Your call-to-action, or CTA, button is one of the most important elements on your landing page or website. Think of it as the door to the next step of your marketing or sales funnels, where every click is a potential customer through that door.

As marketers, we spend a lot of time thinking about the design of a page - the hero image, its layout, colors - and even some conversion optimization - number of form fields, headlines and such. Often, however, we skip over the CTA button, which can sometimes be the difference between a conversion and a bounce.

It's easy to leave your CTA button saying 'Submit'. But you shouldn't. Your CTA should have a clear meaning, even if a visitor has only skimmed your page. The words in your CTA should be representative of the action your visitors are taking.

In this article, we'll look at 25 words and phrases that you can use for your own call-to-actions that will maximize your conversions, including explanations on when and why you should use each of them.

Let's get right into it.

1. Get Started

'Get Started' is probably the most popular CTA in the SaaS space, and with good reason. It's a highly actionable word that suggests your visitor will be able to move forward to using your product when they click.

If you're not sure what CTA to use on your website or landing page, 'Get Started' is a good go-to.

2. Sign Up Free

'Sign Up Free' is a pretty direct CTA that sets expectations for your visitors, letting them know they'll be able to start using service after creating an account.

Adding 'Free' to the CTA makes it clear they won't need to pay at this point in your signup process, increasing your conversion rate.

3. Create Account

A straightforward CTA, 'Create Account' lets visitors know they'll be headed straight to the account creation process, priming them to be ready to fill out a few forms.

Though it's not the most appealing CTA, it can definitely help you increase the conversion rate of your signup page.

4. View Demo/Book a Demo

If your funnel is more sales-focused or sales-reliant, you'll likely benefit more from sending visitors to your appointment/demo-booking page than to any other page. If you have a prepared product demo, you can link to that, too.

Directing people to book (or view) a demo is a little more inviting than a CTA like 'talk to a salesperson' or 'contact sales'.

5. Contact Sales

Though it might be a little contrary to what I said in the previous point, sometimes you can afford to be more straightforward with visitors to your landing page or website.

A CTA like 'Contact Sales' lets people know they'll be connected directly to a sales person through chat, call, or appointment.

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6. Learn More

If your product needs a little more explaining, you might find yourself linking your primary CTAs to places like product pages or product tours. 'Learn More' is an inviting way to tell visitors they'll be taken to a low-commitment page where they can get more information about your product and how it works.

'Learn More' works well on popups, too. Since it's hard to put an adequate amount of information on a popup, having a 'Learn More' CTA for your visitors could push them to a page where they can get more details.

7. Join Free

As I mentioned earlier, 'Free' is a great 'flavor' word to add to your CTAs. Having a free product or trial is a huge benefit, and can dramatically improve the click-through rate of your CTAs.

In this specific example, Netflix adds 'for a month', which makes it clear to a visitor that they can sign up for a 1-month free trial. Setting accurate expectations on your CTA helps prepare your visitor for the next steps in your signup or purchasing process.

8. Shop Now

'Shop Now' is the 'Get Started' of CTAs for ecommerce businesses. It's as straightforward as can be, and lets your visitors know that they'll be headed to a product page or category within your store.

If you have multiple products or product categories, it's not a bad idea to add the name of the product or category to the CTA - for example, 'Shop Women's' or 'Shop Clearance'.

9. Explore

Though being straight-to-the-point isn't a bad thing for your ecommerce CTAs, you can be a little more subtle by using 'Explore'. This is particularly great if your product pages act more like landing pages than traditional product pages, giving visitors more information about your products.

10. Discover

Though it's pretty similar to the previous one, I'll include 'Discover' because it's a relatively common CTA for businesses of all kinds. Again, it's great if you're sending people to detailed product pages, or even things like restaurant menus.

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11. Get X% Off

I'm a big proponent of discounts and promotions when it comes to marketing online. If you simply want to sell more, create a discount offer that gives people a % off their first purchase when they subscribe to your email list (or complete some other action, like following you on Instagram).

CTAs with numbers can be quite appealing, especially when those numbers represent discounts. And having a promotional offer for first-time shoppers is an awesome way to incentivize them to become customers.

12. Add to Bag/Add to Cart

Why not cut right to the chase? Though this CTA text is pretty common on ecommerce product pages, some companies have started using 'Add to Bag' CTAs on their product directories. This essentially allows you to skip a whole step in your buying process, which could lead to higher conversion rates down the line.

13. New _______

As you can see in this example, Shwood uses 'New' instead of 'Shop' to direct their visitors to product pages. This CTA is less actionable than 'Shop Men's', but it does help tell visitors that they're shopping new arrivals to your store.

I'd be inclined to keep an action word in there - maybe 'Shop New Menswear'. Your CTA represents an action, so making this clear to your visitors can make it more compelling to click.

14. Buy Now

Sometimes, it's better to be direct. I like the 'Buy Now' CTA in particular because, for a visitor, a lot of their intent is conveyed when they click. A lot of the commitment in ecommerce purchasing can be overcome when a visitor clicks 'Buy Now'.

15. Schedule/Book a _______

If you're a service-based business, it can be tough to get any real commitment from your potential customers until they've learned more. One good primary CTA particularly for businesses like gyms, clinics, or auto repairs is 'Schedule a (Visit/Consultation/Assessment)'.

I'd recommend you connect this to a landing page or popup that allows your visitors to schedule a time to visit your business, or where they can fill in information which you can use to contact them later.

16. Enter Now

If you're running a contest, you never want to use the default 'Submit' CTA for your form. Change it to something like 'Enter Now!' to indicate the action your visitors are about to take.

17. Try for Free

Even non-SaaS businesses can take advantage of a CTA like 'Try for Free'. Often, it's a good idea to get new potential customers in the door with a special promotion like a free class or trial.

This CTA makes it clear to visitors what they'll be getting - a free introduction to your service or product without any commitment. Use this CTA to generate leads, bring them in, and then sell them on your product later on.

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18. Join _______

Social proof is a big motivator for a lot of people - they want to do what others like them are doing. It follows, then, that CTAs like 'Join 123,456 brilliant marketers' can be very appealing to visitors.

They feel like they're becoming part of something exclusive, and feel like they're missing out on something if they don't covert.

Let's end up this article with a few words you can use to spice up your CTAs. These are words you can combine with the 18 CTA words above to maximize your conversion rates.

19. % or $

When you're promoting a discount, adding the offer itself into your CTA is an awesome way to draw people in. 'Save Now' isn't nearly as compelling as 'Save 20% Now!'. Adding numbers to your CTA makes your discount feel a little more tangible to your visitors.

20. Try

Like I mentioned in tip #17, the word 'Try' is inviting because it feels low-commitment. Adding this to your free trial or free class offer CTA buttons is a good way to get people in the door.

21. Now

Calls-to-action are aptly named - they signify action, and adding 'now' to your CTA buttons is an awesome way to reiterate that. Psychologically, they push visitors out of indifference (it's easy to ignore a CTA) and into a state of mind that they need to convert on your page - now.

22. Free

In today's world of ecommerce, every CTA button can feel like a purchase commitment. If your offer is at all free - think free trial, assessment, consultation, or what have you - this is a word you need to have in your CTA buttons, as it assures visitors there's no downside to clicking.

On top of that, people love free stuff - they have nothing to lose by clicking, so why not convert?

23. Save

This word should be a staple in your discount or offer CTAs. Whether it's a sale or a % off coupon, you can use the word 'save' to signal to visitors that they'll be saving money if they click, and missing out on potential savings if they don't. I prefer a CTA like 'Save 10% Now' compared to something like 'Get Coupon'.

24. Me/My/You/Your

One thing that's common between most CTAs is that they can feel impersonal. Using pronouns or determiners like 'me' or 'my' can turn a CTA into a personal call-to-action, increasing a visitor's emotional or cognitive connection with your button. For example, 'Download Ebook' pales in comparison to 'Download My Free Ebook!'.

25. Start/Stop

Words like 'start' and 'stop' are also great for CTAs. They work in a ton of contexts - for example, a gym might use 'Start Changing Your Life' as an emotionally-driven CTA. The word 'stop' can also be very powerful in the right contexts - for example, Wishpond might have a CTA for its popup tools that says 'Stop Wasting My Website Traffic!'.

There you have it - 25 proven words and phrases that you can use for your call-to-action buttons. Are there any I missed? Let me know in the comments below, and don't hesitate to ask any questions.

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Strong action verbs can help drive home your previous success and career achievements. They are important to help you start statements that explain your responsibilities and accomplishments.

Most people don’t realize that resumes aren’t written in perfect English. The statements are sentence fragments that generally begin with a verb.

These statements make up the paragraphs that are written under the job headings in the experience section. Sentences in the bullet points of accomplishments are also written using this structure. Instead of saying “I helped” or “I produced” the pronoun is taken out and the action verb starts the sentence.

Sometimes we see resumes use words like “handled” when describing an action. Usually you can use a stronger more compelling verb. However, it is often difficult to think of good verbs. Sometimes, you can get stuck using the same verb such as multiple times when it is better to mix up statements with other similar verbs.

Below you will find a list of verbs and their synonym (verbs with a similar meaning). It is also helpful to have an online thesaurus opened in a window, which can help you build more vibrant statements.

Resume Power Verbs A through H

abateddecline, decrease, lessendealttraded, marketed, sold
abbreviatedconcise, condensed, summarizeddebatedargued, discussed, disputed
abolishedended, eradicated, terminateddebuggedcorrected, fixed, cured
abridgedcompressed, condensed, compactdecideddetermined, resolved, settled
absolvedcleared, excused, exonerateddecodeddecipher, fathom, solve
absorbedconsumed, engrossed, fascinateddecreasedabate, decline, ebb
acceleratedfast, rapid, swiftdedicatedapply, assign, commit
accentuatedheightened, highlight, stressdefineddecide, explain, specify
accommodatedadapt, aid, supportdelegatedcharge, elect, invest
accomplishedachieve, attain, realizedelineatedborder, define, edge
accounted foravailable, at hand, neardelivereddistribute, remit, transfer
accruedaccumulate, amass, build updemonstrateddetermine, establish, indicate
accumulatedaccrued, amass, collectdeployedarrange, display, position
achievedaccomplished, concluded, donederivedconclude, deduct, judge
acquiredattained, earned, receiveddescribedcommunicate, explain, Specify
actedmock, pretended, simulatedesignatedentitle, label, name
adaptedaccommodate, conform, tailordesignedconstruct, devise, invent
adoptedaccept, endorse, fosterdetailedallocate, commission, designate
addedaugment, summated, supplementdetecteddiscover, encounter, uncover
addresseddiscourse, lecture, remarkdetermineddecide, regulate, terminate
adjustedaltered, diversified, reviseddevelopedadvance, promote, thrive
administeredexecute, manage, overseedevisedarrange, construct, improvise
advancedcontinue, further, promotediagnoseddetermine, interpret, identify
advertisedamplify, notify, publicizedifferentiatedcontrast, demarcate, separate
advisedapprise, enlighten, informdiffuseddisburse, mitigate, temper
advocatedadvance, bolster, encouragedirectedgovern, lead, manage
affirmedapproved, assured, confirmeddisburseddistribute, expend, outlay
aidedalleviate, benefit, subsidizediscovereddetect, identify, reveal
alertedcaution, notify, signaleddiscussedconfer, converse, review
alignedcommensurate, level, paralleldispatchedforward, remit, transmit
allayedabate, assuage, relievedispensedallot, distribute, portion
alleviatedease, improve, mitigatedisplayedarrange, demonstrate, showcase
allocatedallot, budget, designatedisposedactuate, induce, regulate
allottedappoint, budget, metedisprovedbelie, confute, rebut
alteredadjust, convert, reviseddissecteddismember, part, sever
amassedcompile, collect, gatherdisseminatedcirculate, disperse, publish
amendedenhance, improve, modifydissolveddecline, disband, terminate
analyzedconsider, examine, interpretdistinguishedcollate, label, judge
answeredcomment, reply, remarkdistributedadminister, bestow, prorate
anticipatedassume, expect, deducediversifiedalter, expand, variegate
appeasedconciliate, contend, subduediverteddeflect, modify, veer
appliedcorrelated, exercised, relateddivesteddeprive, remove, seize
appointedassign, delegate, determinedivideddetach, segment, unbind
appraisedassess, evaluate, inspectdocumentedcertify, record, script
approachedadvance, offer, proposedoubledbinary, dual, paired
appropriatedappoint, devote, dispersedraftedcompose, devise, formulate
approvedcommend, praise, sanctiondramatizedamplify, exaggerate, overdo
arbitratedmediate, negotiate, settledrew upcompose, prepare
arousedanimate, enliven, provokedrovecompel, induce, urge
arrangedclassify, organizeE
articulatedexpress, state, toldearnedacquire, collect, obtain
ascertainedconfirm, determine, verifyeasedassist, expedite, mollify
aspiredaim, strive, yearneconomizedconserve, manage, save
assembledaccumulate, convene, uniteeditedalter, compile, prepare
assessedestimate, evaluate, judgeeducatedcoach, Develop, teach
assignedapportion, delegate, designateeffectedcause, Complete, enforce
assimilatedaccommodate, incorporate, standardizeelaborateddevise, Develop, enhance
assistedabet, collaborate, facilitateelectedappoint, cull, select
assuredensured, insured, guaranteedelevateddredge, erect, hoist
attainedacquire, obtain, procureelicitedcause, evoke, obtain
attendedappear, frequent, visiteliminatedcancel, discharge, eradicate
auditedexamine, review, verifyembracedclasp, enfold, seize
augmentedamplify, compound, supplementemphasizedassert, headline, prioritize
authoredcreated, penned, wroteempoweredaccredit, enable, vest
authorizedaccredit, enable, entitleenabledapprove, commission, permit
automatedcomputerized, mechanized, programmedencouragedbuoy, fortify, incite
avertedadvance, broach, proposeendedcease, dissolve, terminate
avoidedabstain, desist, evadeenforcedcompel, dictate, evoke
awardedbestow, confer, grantengagedappoint, enlist, retain
Bengineeredarrange, devise, manage
balanced collate, offset, stabilizeenhancedamplify, embellish, upgrade
beganactivate, commence, initiateenlisteddraft, enroll, hire
benchmarkedcommence, leveled, targetedenrichedcultivate, endow, supplement
benefitedadvance, further, promoteenrolledaccept, engage, register
bidpropose, tender, ventureensuredcertify, Establish, warrant
billeddebit, invoice, reckonenteredaccess, arrive, probe
blendedcombine, compound, integrateentertainedcaptivate, inspire, regale
blockedintercept, prevent, stonewallenticedbeguile, lure, tempt
bolsteredmaintain, reinforce, supportequippedendow, prepare, supply
boostedamplify, augment, elevateestablishedcreate, decree, enact
boughtacquire, purchase, procureestimatedassess, budget, gauge
brandedestablish, identify, designateevaluatedappraise, classify, value
bridgedbind, link, uniteexaminedaudit, consider, research
broadenedlink, increase, supplementexceededeclipse, excel, surpass
broughteffectuate, convey, importexecutedachieve, enact, render
budgetedallocate, calculated, computedexercisedapply, employ, utilize
builtcalculated, construct, engineerexhibiteddisplay, feature, proclaim
Cexpandedamplify, broaden, increase
calculatedappraise, consider, enumerateexpeditedfacilitate, promote, urge
calibratedadjust, attune, regulateexperiencedconfront, encounter, endure
capitalizedattune, use, utilizeexperimentedexamine, explore, speculate
capturedcaught, contained, detainedexplainedclarify, decipher, interpret
cared foraid, provide for, supportexploredexamine, probe, survey
carriedchannel, convey, sustainexpressedexert, state, testify
carvedform, hew, shapeextendedamplify, increase, widen
categorizedhew, group, sortextractedderive, glean, wrest
cataloguedarrange, class, indexF
caughtapprehend, capture, seizefabricatedassemble, compose, create
cautionedadvise, alert, forewarnfacilitatedaid, further, promote
cementedcombine, merge, sealfactoredallow for, consider,
certifiedapproved, authenticate, authorizefamiliarizedcondition, enlighten, inform
chairedjudge, mediate, presidefashionedcreate, devise, mold
challengeddispute, investigate, questionfieldeddeflect, handle, return
championedinvestigate, defend, upholdfiledfinish, level, refine
changedadjust, modify, transformfilledfurnish, inflate, pervade
chargedimpugn, indict, reproachfinalizedcomplete, conclude, decide
chartedarrange, graph, plotfinancedcapitalize, endow, promote
checkedcompare, inspect, verifyfine tunedadapt, conform, hone
choseaccept, elect, selectfinishedalter, modify, complete
chronicledenter, narrate, reportfixedimplant, stabilize
circulatedbroadcast, distribute, issuefocusedconvene, rivet, spotlight
circumventedavoid, elude, preventfollowedensue, displace, pursue
citedindicate, quote, referenceforecastedanticipate, conclude, infer
clarifieddefine, illuminate, simplifyforgedduplicate, invent, produce
classifiedcategorize, sort, groupformalizedinvent, denote, entitle
cleanedclarify, expunge, sanitizeformedArrange, compose, develop
clearedabsolve, clarify, cleanseformulatedcompose, contrive, invent
closedend, seal, shutfortifiedbrace, consolidate, reinforce
coachedadvise, encourage, supportforwardedadvance, expedite, promote
codedarrange, classify, organizefosteredcultivate, further, support
collaboratedcorporate, concur, conspirefoughtchallenge, dispute, strive
collatedfounddetect, observe, pinpoint
collectedarrange, find, gatherfoundedbegin, induce, start
combinedadd, mix, integrateframedassemble, forge, produce
commandedfulfilledachieve, complete, perfect
commendedacclaim, exalt, praisefunctioned asact, operate, perform
commencedexalt, innate, startfundedendow, finance, support
commissionedappoint, command, enlistfurnishedappoint, equip, purvey
communicatedtalk, speak, verbalizefurtheredassist, Contribute, patronize
comparedanalyze, contrast, considerG
compiledassemble, amass, gathergainedacquire, consummate, procure
complementedacclaim, laud,recommendgarneredaccumulate, collect, reap
completedend, finish, stopgatheredamass, group, unite
composedauthor, create, designgaugedappraise, count, quantify
compoundedblend, combine, mixgavecede, endow, supply
computedestimate, sum, tallygeneratedcause, develop, produce
conceivedaccept, believe, understandgovernedcommand, execute, regulate
concentratedconsider, muse, pondergraduatedcomplete, earn, finish
conceptualizedconceive, imagine,invasiongraspedaccept, comprehend, understand
condensedabridge, compress, reducegreetedherald, receive, welcome
conductedcompress, direct, overseegrewadvance, evolve, increase
conferredconsult, discuss, parleygroupedarrange, class, order
configuredarrange, assemble, groupguaranteedaffirm, pledge, verify
confirmedaffirm, endorse,verifyguidedadvise, govern, teach
confrontedencounter, resist, withstandH
connectedaffix, equate, relatehaltedcease, curb, stop
conservedhoard, save, stashhalvedbisect, divide, split
consideredcontemplate, muse, ponderhandledadvise, operate, Supervise
consolidatedamass, combine,joinheadedchair, manage, supervise
constructedbuild, create, makeheightenedenhance, increase, magnify
consultedask, confer, discussheldconfine, detain, retain
consummatedachieve, complete, finishhelpedaid, assist, support
contactedapproach, communicate, relatehiredemploy, engage, retain
continuedextend,maintain, perseverehonedinstruct, teach, practice
contractedabate, confine, edithostedaccommodate, entertain, receive
contributedadvance, assist, fortifyhypnotizedcharm, entrance, mesmerize
controlledmanage, oversee, supervisehypothesizedconsider, deem, judge
convertedadjust, change, modify
conveyedbring, carry, transport
convincedassure, establish, persuade
cooperatedaid, contribute,further
coordinatedgroup, manage, organize
copiedduplicate, transcribe, xerox
correctedalter, better, fix
correspondedaccord, coincide, match
counseledadvise, caution, warn
createdauthor, design, make
critiquedassess, examine, rate
cultivatedbreed, develop, harvest
customizedalter, convert, modify
cutbisect, curtail, prune

Resume Power Verbs I through R

identifiedanalyze, classify, selectpaced, ,
ignitedenflame, kindle, startpackaged, ,
illustratedclarify, depict, typifypacked, ,
implementedcomplete, enable, startparedcrop, prune, reduce
importedattend, conduct, usherparticipatedaide, concur, share
improveddevelop, progress, revisepartneredconsort, corporate, help
improvisedcontrive, comprise, inventpassedaccomplish, complete, finish
incitedinduce, persuade, stimulatepenetratedcharge, insert, seep
includedaccommodate, add, introduceperceivedbehold, divine, observe
incorporatedblend, combine, includeperfectedaccomplish, complete, refine
increasedadvance, build, supplementperformedachieve, effect, satisfy
indicatedattest, make, revealpersuadedcoach, enlist, urge
individualizedbrand, define, portrayphotographeddepict, draw, portray
indoctrinatedconvince, instill, programpilotedconvey, guide, oversee
inducedcause, incite, urgepinpointeddefine, place, spot
influencedalter, impel, shapepioneeredbegin, develop, start
informedcaution, edify, teachplacedallot, locate, station
infusedanimate, impart, pervadeplannedcraft, devise, outline
initiatedbegin, start, triggerplayeddivert, show, trifle
innovatedadmit, induct, unveilpraisedcheer, ennoble, extol
inspectedaudit, review, studypredictedanticipate, conclude, foresee
inspiredcause, elate, infusepreparedalter, change, revise
installedbuild, Establish, stationprescribedappoint, command, require
instilleddiffuse, impart, programpresentedcite, declare, state
institutedlaunch, organize, pioneerpreservedconserve, defend, uphold
instructedappraise, drill, notifypresidedadvise, chair, manage
insuredcinch, hedge, warrantprevaileddominate, master, succeed
integratedarrange, blend, joinpreventedavoid, counter, restrict
intensifiedaccent, enhance, rouseprintedcompose, issue, publish
interactedcombine, join, mergeprioritizedassert, charge, repeat
intercededinterpose, negotiate, reconcileprocessedalter, convert, refine
interpretedclarify, decipher, translateprocuredannex, induce, secure
interveneddivide, involve, settleproducedcreate, make, manufacture
interviewedconsult, question, quizprofiledcontour, form, shape
inventedbuild, create, makeprogrammedbook, charter, reserve
inventoriedadd, compute, specifyprogressedadvance, proceed, travel
investedendow, infuse, stakeprojectedarrange, chart, feature
investigatedcheck, examine, scoutpromotedadvance, further, urge
invigoratedenliven, rally, triggerproofreadalter, emend, revise
invitedallure, issue, summonproposedadvance, contend, state
involvedbind, commit, linkprotectedassure, defend, guard
isolateddetach, part, secludeprovedaffirm, attest, certify
issuedemit, stem, ventprovidedarrange, cater, furnish
itemizedcite, quote, recordprunedclip, trim, reduce
Jpublicizedbill, headline, spotlight
joinedadhere, combine, interlacepurchasedattain, invest, procure
judgedarbitrate, decree, determinepursuedbait, follow, track
justifiedassert, condone, legitimizeQ
launchedcatapult, discharge, propelqualifiedcertify, endow, sanction
learnedattain, grasp, studyquantifiedadd, calculate, measure
lecturedexpress, recite, teachquerieddoubt, inquire, examine
ledconvey, guide, usherquestionedask, challenge, probe
lessenedabate, decrease, reducequoteddetail, name, recall
leveragedcompel, influence, regulateR
licensedaccredit, certify, permitraised boost, elevate, lift
liftedelevate, raise, upholdralliedassemble, muster, organize
limitedconfine, restrict, lessenrankedarrange, class, rate
linkedcombine, group, relateratedclassify, rank, value
liquidatedcash, convert, honorreachedattain, enter, show
listenedattend, hear, observereadconstrue, skim, study
litigatedcontest, dispute, suerealigned
loadedheap, pack, pilerealizedcatch, feature, image
locateddetect, find, uncoverrearrangedalter, draft, style
loggedenter, note, recordreasonedconclude, decide, solve
Mrebuiltfix, mend, repair
made create, invent, producereceivedacquire, derive, secure
maintainedinvent, support, sustainrecognizednote, observe, recall
manageddirect, supervise, wieldrecommendedadvise, exhaust, urge
mandatedagree, mandate, permitreconciledaccepted, submit, yield
maneuvereddevise, navigate, operatereconstructedfix, overhaul, reform
manipulatedchange, maneuver, planrecordedcatalog, copy, transcribe
manufacturedassemble, build, completerecoveredbalance, transcribe, restore
mappedchart, direct, planrecruiteddraft, enlist, gather
markedcheck, imprint, labelrectifiedamend, correct, fix
marketedadvertise, display, sellredesignedalter, change, improve
masteredcomprehend, grasp, understandredirectedalter, change, veer
maximizedenlarge, escalate, increasereducedabate, curtail, decrease
measuredassess, gauge, metere-engineeredupdate, create, remodel
mediatedarbitrate, conciliate, determinereferredcite, credit, name
memorizedcomprehend, fathom, understandrefocusedattract, converge, spotlight
mentoredcoach, counsel, guideregisteredenlist, join, record
mergedblend, mix, uniteregulatedadjust, control, manage
meritedmix, gain, raterehabilitatedadjust, change, improve
metcontact, encounter, engagereinforcedaugment, bolster, stress
minimizedcurtail, decrease, diminishreiteratedecho, recap, retell
mobilizedimpel, propel, readyrelateddepict, express, state
modeledbase, create, patternreleasedabsolve, clear, vent
moderatedabate, curb, modifyreliedawait, commit, depend
modifiedadjust, convert, varyrelievedally, console, improve
moldedbuild, frame, plotremainedabide, delay, endure
monitoredaudit, control, observeremodeledadjust, alter, tailor
monopolizedconsume, engross, possessrenderedcede, furnish, tender
motivatedcause, quicken, swayrenegotiatedassess, postpone, remand
mountedbegin, promote, startrenewedbrace, continue, extend
movedadvance, relocate, proceedreorganizedadapt, convert, vary
multipliedadd, boot, raiserepairedcorrect, patch, revive
Nreplacedconvert, modify, transform
namedclassify, define, labelrepliedanswer, transform, return
narrateddepict, portray, recitereplicatedclone, copy, imitate
navigateddirect, operate, guidereportedadvise, cover, state
negotiatedaccommodate, haggle, mediaterepresentedenact, factor, served
nettedaccumulate, earn, reapreproducedcopy, echo, parallel
neutralizedbalance, negate, offsetrequestedappeal, demand, entreat
nominatedappoint, elect, presentresearchedconsult, explore, inquire
normalizedclass, control, evenreservedcontact, maintain, schedule
notifiedalert, inform, warnresolvedagree, cinch, elect
nurturedcare, develop, fosterrespondedanswer, counter, retort
Orestoredimprove, mend, repair
observeddetect, discover, markrestructuredarrange, conform, shape
obtainedacquire, collect, retainretainedabsorb, grasp, possess
offeredextend, furnish, provideretooleddeduce, overhaul, remake
officiatedconduct, direct, manageretrievedrecall, restore, salvage
offsetbalance, compensate, negatereturnedconvey, refund, render
openeddisclose, expand, vacatedrevampedconvert, modify, reform
operatedconduct, convey, promotereversedannul, convert
optimizedculminate, expand, perfectreviewedexamine, recap, rehash
orchestratedarrange, compose, organizerevisedcompare, redo, revamp
orderedcommand, direct, instructrevitalizedassist, enliven, refresh
organizedarrange, construct, formulaterevolutionizedadapt, evolved, renovate
orientedadapt, conform, directrewardedcompensate, honor, pay
originatedbegin, commence, startriskedbrave, chance, confront
outdistancedoutdo, outpace, passrotatedcircle, move, pivot
outlinedchart, describe, plotroutedconduct, direct, pilot
outperformedbeat, eclipse, surpass
overcamebest, conquer, master
overhauledexamine, fix, redo
oversawcaptain, command, manage
ownedhave, occupy, possess

Resume Power Verbs S through Z

safeguardedassure, cover, defendtabulated cataloged, classified, ordered
salvageddeliver, reclaim, savetackledaccepted, attacked, undertook
savedregain, rescue, retrievetalkedspoke, conversed, articulated
scannedbrowse, check, skimtalliedcomputed, summed, inventoried
scheduledappoint, engage, slatetargetedaimed, focused, attempted
screenedcloak, cover, shieldtastedtried, savored, sampled
sculpturedcarve, fashion, huetaughteducated, coached, explained
searchedexamine, probe, scourteamedaffiliated, cooperated, coordinated
secureddefend, guard, protecttemperedabated, mitigated, softened
seizedclasp, embrace, snagtendedcared for, minded, oversaw
selectedchoose, cull, markterminatedaborted, discontinued, finished
sentadvance, dispatched, remittestedevaluated, assessed, analyzed
separatedcleave, detach, dividetestifiedaffirmed, corroborated, swore
sequencedassort, classify, grouptiedbound, fastened, united
servedaid, deal, providetookacquired, accepted, seized
servicedcorrect, focused, mendtoppedsurpassed, bested, outshined
set uparrange, begin, starttotaledsummed, calculated, figured
settledachieve, complete, endtracedhunted, followed, chased
shapedconfigure, frame, profiletrackedpursued, followed, shadowed
sharedassign, dispense, rationtrainedprepared, coached, instructed
sharpenededge, hone, tapertranscribedrecorded, reproduced, rewrote
shippeddirect, export, sendtransformedrevolutionized, reformed, mutated
shortenedabridge, compress, reducetransitioneddeveloped, evolved, progressed
showedappear, disclose, unveiltranslatedinterpreted, deciphered, paraphrased
signedabandon, cede, yieldtransmittedbroadcast, dispatched, conveyed
simplifiedclarify, decipher, explainedtraveledjourneyed, ventured, explored
simulatedape, copy, imitatetreatedconducted, managed, served
sketchedcraft, draw, maketrimmedclipped, cropped, truncated
slashedcut, incise, severtripledincreased, inflated, multiplied
smoothedclear, even, refinetroubleshotserviced, repaired, corrected
solicitedclaim, demand, referturnedaltered, modified, transformed
soldbarter, contract, vendtutoredtaught, coached, trained
solidifiedcompact, condense, settypedclassified, categorized, transcribed
solvedclarify, decide, settleU
sortedclassify, grade, groupuncoveredbear, display, expose
sourcedbegin, create, startunderlinedaccentuate, emphasize, feature
sparkedexcite, inspire, kindleunderscoredhighlight, stress, underline
spearheadedattend, show, usherundertookcommit, devote, endeavor
specializedpractice, study, trainedunderwroteendorse, consent, finance
specifiedcite, decide, itemizeuneartheddelve, excavate, expose
speculatedconsider, suspect, theorizeunifiedarrange, integrate, orchestrate
spentconfer, deplete, wasteunitedally, commingle, unify
spokeallege, assert, stateupdatedrefresh, renew, restore
sponsoredbuoy, champion, promoteupgradedboost, elevate, advance
spurredadvance, aid, urgeupheldaid, endorse, maintain
staffedemploy, crew, retainurgedcompel, incite, recommend
standardizedadjust, institute, orderusedconsume, exercise, utilize
startedbegin, order, makeutilizedemploy, handle, use
steeredconduct, direct, guideV
stimulatedelate, incite, prodvalidatedcertify, endorse, verify
streamlinedfocus, gather, organizevaluedlaud, revere, treasure
strengthenedbrace, cheer, restorevaultedascend, hurtle, surpass
stretchedamplify, extend, widenverbalizedexpress, state, utter
structuredbuild, create, makeverifiedcertify, justify, validate
studiedconsider, ponder, watchviewedconsider, deem, judge
submittedenter, give, refundvisualizeddeem, foresee, suppose
succeededaccomplish, complete, finishvoicedannounce, declare, proclaim
suggestedbroach, commend, conveyvolunteeredadvance, offer, suggest
summarizedabridge, convey, cutW
supervisedadminister, control, manageweathered brave, endure, overcome
suppliedcater, deliver, furnishweighedcontemplate, consider, evaluate
supportedbuoy, aid, promotewidenedaugment, broaden, expand
surpassedexceed, outrank, topwithstoodbear, brave, weather
surveyedaccess, case, inspectwonachieve, conquer, prevail
swayedbend, incline, leanworkedlabor, manage, toil
sweptaccomplish, complete, wonwoveblend, incorporate, interlace
symbolizeddenote, embody, suggestwroteauthor, compose, create
synthesizedarrange, blend, integrateY
systemizedarray, design, frameyielded accrue, earn, generate
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