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Contoh Program Vb Dengan Database Mysql Average ratng: 3,6/5 2896 reviews
Proposal Skripsi Pendidikan Fisika menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Drill dengan Alat Bantu Media Pembelajaran Flash dan XML pada Bahasan Dinamika Partikel
    • by Fransiskus Assisi Beyora Liwun
—Despite all attempts to prevent fraud, it continues to be a major threat to industry and government. In this paper, we present a fraud detection method which detects irregular frequency of transaction usage in an Enterprise Resource.. more
—Despite all attempts to prevent fraud, it continues to be a major threat to industry and government. In this paper, we present a fraud detection method which detects irregular frequency of transaction usage in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. We discuss the design, development and empirical evaluation of outlier detection and distance measuring techniques to detect frequency-based anomalies within an individual user's profile, relative to other similar users. Primarily, we propose three automated techniques: a univariate method, called Boxplot which is based on the sample's median; and two multivariate methods which use Euclidean distance, for detecting transaction frequency anomalies within each transaction profile. The two multivariate approaches detect potentially fraudulent activities by identifying: (1) users where the Euclidean distance between their transaction-type set is above a certain threshold and (2) users/data points that lie far apart from other users/clusters or represent a small cluster size, using k-means clustering. The proposed methodology allows an auditor to investigate the transaction frequency anomalies and adjust the different parameters, such as the outlier threshold and the Euclidean distance threshold values to tune the number of alerts. The novelty of the proposed technique lies in its ability to automatically trigger alerts from transaction profiles, based on transaction usage performed over a period of time. Experiments were conducted using a real dataset obtained from the production client of a large organization using SAP R/3 (presently the most predominant ERP system), to run its business. The results of this empirical research demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
    • by INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY ( I T I I ) Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
7emezzo.biz ha creato un sistema di navigazione dati completamente immersivo, che integra tecnologie 2D e 3D e che offre la possibilità di connettere banche date online ad un sistema VR, adattandosi perfettamente a rappresentazioni.. more
7emezzo.biz ha creato un sistema di navigazione dati completamente immersivo, che integra tecnologie 2D e 3D e che offre la possibilità di connettere banche date online ad un sistema VR, adattandosi perfettamente a rappresentazioni virtuali di sistemi culturali, museali e smart cities.
    • by Daniele Bursich
    • by Meldhani Sutrisno
    • by Lastriani_21 Politala
— Databases, what would web applications be without them, especially when we're working with Hyper Text Pre Processor (PHP). For Modern Applications there is a wide variety of data sources that are available in market. For managing data.. more
— Databases, what would web applications be without them, especially when we're working with Hyper Text Pre Processor (PHP). For Modern Applications there is a wide variety of data sources that are available in market. For managing data or information there's flat files, like Comma Separated Values (CSV) or text files. There's databases, like My Structured Query Language (MySQL), PostgreSQL, Oracle, Firebase, Sybase, and MS SQLServer etc. Then there's the newer NoSQL data sources, which include Hadoop, Redis, Cassandra, and MongoDb, amongst a range of other options. The safer way of sending the data to MySQL is using the prepared statements, as it prevent from getting hacked using SQL injection. This is the main reason why one should always prefer MySQLi or PDO method over MySQL. MySQLi is procedural as well as object oriented whereas PDO in Object Oriented Method. For programming object oriented programming, MySQLi and PDO and we know a lot has already been talked about how useful Object method is very much useful. MySQLi and PDO supports multiple Statements, Complex Transaction statements and has enhanced debugging capabilities and embedded server support. In this research, it is preferred to use PHP Data objects (PDO) over MySQLi as MySQLi method works on a single database which is MySQL whereas PDO method supports over 12 type of Databases. That means for shifting information from one database to another is quite easy. In research it is also found that the performance of using PDO method is far better as compared with MySQLi method. Keywords— HyperText Pre-Processor (PHP), PHP Data Objects (PDO), My Structured Query Language (MySQLi), MySQL, Database
    • by Pardeep Kumar
Dashboards have become a popular way to display key success indicators at a glance to multiple users across an organization. This paper presents two possible methods for storing, retrieving, displaying and sharing data in a dashboard: 1).. more
Dashboards have become a popular way to display key success indicators at a glance to multiple users across an organization. This paper presents two possible methods for storing, retrieving, displaying and sharing data in a dashboard: 1) a MySQL database hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for storing the data and Amazon QuickSight for creating and sharing the dashboard, and 2) local MySQL for storing the data, Microsoft Excel for creating the dashboard, and a Dropbox for sharing it. The two approaches are compared for cost, ease of creation and use, update speed, and shareability
    • by Jack K Rasmus-Vorrath
MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Although it can be used in a wide range of.. more
MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Although it can be used in a wide range of applications, MySQL is most often associated with web-based applications and online publishing and is an important component of an open source enterprise stack called LAMP. LAMP is a Web development platform that uses Linux as the operating system, Apache as the Web server, MySQL as the relational database management system and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language. (Sometimes Perl or Python is used instead of PHP.)
    • by Bratati Karmakar
    • by luis angel roman valdovinos
    • MySQL
The Model View Controller is a latest application development design pattern which provides loosely coupling architecture for the application development; the Model View Controller development is used in various applications for several.. more
The Model View Controller is a latest application development design pattern which
provides loosely coupling architecture for the application development; the Model View Controller
development is used in various applications for several benefits like change in one module does
not affect other module at all. All modules are completely independent of each other, E-commerce
need such an independent module to work with like for User Interface we can provide web
interface as well as Mobile Interface as a View that may turn out as M-Commerce application.
    • by Rex Journal
Database MySQL Intermediate Level Report
By Hilmy Fauzi
RPL 2 Class
SMK IDN Madinatul Ilmi Jonggol
    • by Rizki Syaputra
Program code are distributed through internet and suffering from the program theft. Means a program is sold to user and user make own copyright of program called program theft. This is happen because program are easily decomposed into.. more
Program code are distributed through internet and suffering from the program theft. Means a program is sold to user and user make own copyright of program called program theft. This is happen because program are easily decomposed into reusable class file and also
decomposed into source code by the program users. In this paper practical work show that theft program can easily findable and also proposed a method that shows that if starts working on the method theft program are easily findable. Original developer of program can easily
find the program theft and one another technique is watermarking technique that is also a successful technique help the original developer of program to finding program theft, some concept of watermarking also discuss in this paper. With the help of this paper people knows the actual power and use of obfuscator technique. Experimental result in the paper
show that approach work successfully.
    • by Gaurav kumar
For quite some time relational database, such as MYSQL ,Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, have been used to store data for most Application .With the Web growing rapidly , spawning enormous ,user-generated content websites such as.. more
For quite some time relational database, such as MYSQL ,Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, have been used to store data for most Application .With the Web growing rapidly , spawning enormous ,user-generated content websites such as Facebook ,Twitter, fast database that can handle huge amounts of data are a must .For this purpose new databases management systems collectively called NOSQL are being develop .This thesis explains the NOSQL database ,types of NOSQL ,advantage and disadvantage comparison with MYSQL.NOSQL database is an emerging alternative to the most widely used relational databases.
The massive amounts of data collected today by software in fields varying from academia to business and many other fields, is increasingly becoming a huge problem due to store-age technologies not advancing fast enough to provide the performance scalability needed. This is even more true for data which are highly organized and require analysis while being stored in databases and being accessed by various applications simultaneously. Databases also have the added advantage of providing failover mechanism in case of disruptions or one node failing.
As database vendors struggle to gain more market share new technologies emerge at-tempting to overcome the disadvantages of previous designs while providing more features. Two popular database types, the Relational Database Management Systems and NoSQL databases are examined. The aim of this project was to examine and compare two databases from these two database models and answer the question of whether one performs and scales better than the other.
From the comparison of the results it was found that CouchDB can perform much better for complicated queries at the cost of data duplication which in turn results to a larger database. Also the database size did not appear to be a deciding factor as performance was not crippled significantly for larger database sizes. Writing benchmarks were also run which showed that MySQL performs best at deletion whereas CouchDB excels at inserting documents. The last comparison showed that using sharding to split up the database in CouchDB did not provide a performance advantage which may be related to the routing done by the CouchDB system.
Couchdb , couchdb –Java , NoSQL ,Documentation database ,JSON ,DBMS ,MYSQL, Database.
    • by Aseem Chakrabarthy
    • by Wisnu sukma djati
    • 2
dibuat berdasarkan kurikulum KTSP dan akan terus dikembangkan untuk K13-revisi.
Sistem ini berbasis web, dibangun dengan html, php, mysql, jquery , dan ajax. Mudah digunakan dan mudah dikembangkan
    • by David Kurniawan
    • by Dio Nanda
Isi laporan tugas besar sistem informasi toko buku dengan UML diagram dan penggunaab database mysql
    • by Amalia Magfirah
This paper reports design and implementation of a web based software system for storing and managing information related to time management and productivity of employees working on a project. The system has been designed and implemented.. more
This paper reports design and implementation of a web based software system for storing and managing information related to time management and productivity of employees working on a project. The system has been designed and implemented with best principles from model view controller and agile development. Such system has practical use for any organization in terms of ease of use, efficiency, and cost savings. The
manuscript describes design of the system as well as its database and user interface. Detailed snapshots of
the working system are provided too.
    • by International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA)-ERA Indexed
modul pembelajaran PHP yang ditujukan untuk kelas menengan ke expert, dalam modul ini dijelaskan bagaimana caranya kita belajar PHP dengan konsep berorientasi objek, kita akan berkenalan dengan apa yang namanya objek, kelas, metode,.. more
modul pembelajaran PHP yang ditujukan untuk kelas menengan ke expert, dalam modul ini dijelaskan bagaimana caranya kita belajar PHP dengan konsep berorientasi objek, kita akan berkenalan dengan apa yang namanya objek, kelas, metode, pewarisan, dan masih banyak lagi seputar pemrogramanan berorientasi objek. untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan pelajari apa yang ada di dalam modul ini.
    • by aab abdussalam
in Belajar, Contoh Program, Download, Source Code, Visual Basic 6.0 On 1:45 AM - No comments
Dalam Belajar Pemrograman Visual Basic 6.0 tidak lepas dari masalah pengolahan data yang tentunya menggunakan salah satu database, disini saya sertakan contoh program koneksi database sederhana untuk mysql, Acces, Excel, SqlServer dan Oracle
( haha. diborong semua database , maksudnya sekalian saja gitu sob. biar ndak usah cari referensinya ditempat lain ).
Penggunaan database disini diterapkan pada saat login form, dimana setelah membuka database kita harus mengakses tabel yang menyimpan nama user dan passwordnya.
Untuk langkah-langkahnya kira-kira sebagai berikut ( kok kira-kira sih.. ) :

1. Tambahkan References Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library

Versi minimal biasanya ‘Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library

2. Koneksi Database MySQL dengan vb 6.0

Pada koneksi ke database ke mysql yang perlu diinstall adalah database dan Connector / ODBC MySQL
Link Download MySql
Database : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/
Connector / ODBC : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/
ConnectionString MySql :
connstr = 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=contohdb'

3. Koneksi Database MS Access dengan vb 6.0

ConnectionString MS Access :
connstr = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='& App.Path & 'contohdb.mdb'

4. Koneksi Database Excel dengan vb 6.0

Penggunaan Excel sebagai database dengan ConnectionString :
connstr = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='& App.Path & 'contohdb.xls;'& 'Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;'

5. Koneksi Database Sql Server dengan vb 6.0

ConnectionString pada MS Sql Server :
connstr = 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=aa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=contohdb;Data Source=localhost'

6. Koneksi Database Oracle dengan vb 6.0

Jika database oracle tidak diinstall di pc sobat, maka diperlukan minimal oracle client harus diinstall sebagai driver perantara antara visual basic dan database oracle itu sendiri.
Oracle Client : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/downloads/index.html
ConnectionString untuk database Oracle :
connstr = 'Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=aa;User ID=sys;Data Source=contohdb;Persist Security Info=False'

Perbedaan utama koneksi database pada visual basic 6.0 diatas adalah cara mendefinifikan driver pada ConnectionString nya, seperti terlihat pada source code listing program visual basic 6.0 berikut :

Nama File: Form1.frm
DimTBUser AsNewADODB.Recordset
IfCombo1.ListIndex = 0 Then' Koneksi Database Access
connstr = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='& App.Path & 'contohdb.mdb'
ElseIfCombo1.ListIndex = 1 Then' Koneksi Database Excel
connstr = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='& App.Path & 'contohdb.xls;'& 'Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;'
ElseIfCombo1.ListIndex = 2 Then' Koneksi Database Sql Server
connstr = 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=aa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=contohdb;Data Source=localhost'
ElseIfCombo1.ListIndex = 3 Then' Koneksi Database MySql
connstr = 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=contohdb'
ElseIfCombo1.ListIndex = 4 Then' Koneksi Database Oracle
connstr = 'Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=aa;User ID=sys;Data Source=contohdb;Persist Security Info=False'
TBUser.Open 'Select * from tbuser where NamaUser ='& Text1.Text & '', ConnDB
Ifi > 0 Then
IfTBUser.Fields('PasswordUser') = Text2.Text Then
Else: MsgBox 'maaf password tidak sesuai. !'
Unload Me
Unload Me
Unload Me
Combo1.ListIndex = 0

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Sedot aja gan. => Database Sederhana Dengan Visual Basic 6.0
Demikian contoh program database sederhana dengan visual basic 6.0 mudah-mudah cukup bermanfaat untuk referensi belajar visual basic.