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Android Studio Beginner Tutorial Average ratng: 3,9/5 9864 reviews

I start learning android developing with android studio. And with lynda.com tutorial called android studio first look. I try to install eclipse but i have so much errors in my projects with libraries. So my question is, is android studio good for beginners?

Hossein DibapourHossein Dibapour

closed as primarily opinion-based by nhaarman, Blackbelt, codeMagic, Ivan Aksamentov - Drop, FantômasMar 19 '15 at 19:45

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

3 Answers

Eclipse was a main Android IDE, so many tutorial have written using it. But later, Google announced Android Studio, and it have been in beta version for a long time. But at current moment - Android Studio is one and only official IDE for Android, so if you are a beginner, it's a better for you to start using it, so later, you don't need to migrate your apps and projects from other IDE's. Also, Eclipse are no longer supported, so you should use Android Studio anyway.


Yeah, but it isn't equals eclipse, so you'll have studying a little more. Every start is the same, but carry on is the key. Prepare to pass many hours without sleep. hahaha



Short Answer : No

Android Studio suggested by Google, but for you @Hossein Dibapour its better use and Programming with Eclipse Or IntelliJ IDEA.

for many Reasons :

with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA you can learn easy for Base then, you can use Android Studio after you acquaintance with those.

and also, for you, Android Studio is hard for Add And Edit some Codes or work with Gradle's.regards.


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Step 1 - System Requirements

You will be delighted, to know that you can start your Android application development on either of the following operating systems −

  • Microsoft速 Windows速 10/8/7/Vista/2003 (32 or 64-bit)
  • Mac速 OS X速 10.8.5 or higher, up to 10.9 (Mavericks)
  • GNOME or KDE desktop

Second point is that all the required tools to develop Android applications are open source and can be downloaded from the Web. Following is the list of software's you will need before you start your Android application programming.

  • Java JDK5 or later version
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6
  • Android Studio

Step 2 - Setup Android Studio


Android Studio is the official IDE for android application development.It works based on IntelliJ IDEA, You can download the latest version of android studio from Android Studio 2.2 Download, If you are new to installing Android Studio on windows,you will find a file, which is named as android-studio-bundle-143.3101438-windows.exe.So just download and run on windows machine according to android studio wizard guideline.

If you are installing Android Studio on Mac or Linux, You can download the latest version from Android Studio Mac Download,or Android Studio Linux Download, check the instructions provided along with the downloaded file for Mac OS and Linux. This tutorial will consider that you are going to setup your environment on Windows machine having Windows 8.1 operating system.


So let's launch Android Studio.exe,Make sure before launch Android Studio, Our Machine should required installed Java JDK. To install Java JDK,take a references of Android environment setup

Once you launched Android Studio, its time to mention JDK7 path or later version in android studio installer.

Below the image initiating JDK to android SDK

Need to check the components, which are required to create applications, below the image has selected Android Studio, Android SDK, Android Virtual Machine and performance(Intel chip).

Need to specify the location of local machine path for Android studio and Android SDK, below the image has taken default location of windows 8.1 x64 bit architecture.

Need to specify the ram space for Android emulator by default it would take 512MB of local machine RAM.

At final stage, it would extract SDK packages into our local machine, it would take a while time to finish the task and would take 2626MB of Hard disk space.

After done all above steps perfectly, you must get finish button and it gonna be open android studio project with Welcome to android studio message as shown below

You can start your application development by calling start a new android studio project. in a new installation frame should ask Application name, package information and location of the project.

After entered application name, it going to be called select the form factors your application runs on, here need to specify Minimum SDK, in our tutorial, I have declared as API23: Android 6.0(Mashmallow)

The next level of installation should contain selecting the activity to mobile, it specifies the default layout for Applications

At the final stage it going to be open development tool to write the application code.

Step 3 - Create Android Virtual Device

To test your Android applications, you will need a virtual Android device. So before we start writing our code, let us create an Android virtual device. Launch Android AVD Manager Clicking AVD_Manager icon as shown below

After Click on a virtual device icon, it going to be shown by default virtual devices which are present on your SDK, or else need to create a virtual device by clicking Create new Virtual device button

If your AVD is created successfully it means your environment is ready for Android application development. If you like, you can close this window using top-right cross button. Better you re-start your machine and once you are done with this last step, you are ready to proceed for your first Android example but before that we will see few more important concepts related to Android Application Development.

Hello Word Example

Before Writing a Hello word code, you must know about XML tags.To write hello word code, you should redirect to App>res>layout>Activity_main.xml

To show hello word, we need to call text view with layout ( about text view and layout, you must take references at Relative Layout and Text View ).

Need to run the program by clicking Run>Run App or else need to call shift+f10key. Finally, result should be placed at Virtual devices as shown below